Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Half Week Hardcore

If you're Canadian and into hardcore, I hope you've heard of and are subsequently into The Video Dead. There's not a lot of info about them online, and their cd's aren't the easiest to find in major record stores, but if you do happen to find one, get it! Their previous release "Brotherhood Of The Dead" was one of our favorite albums of 2006 (we got it in 2006). But unfortunately for us I've never seen or heard of them touring anywhere near us. So that one album was all that we knew about The Video Dead and had sort of assumed that was it for them, kinda like The Stickup. Anyways, this last weekend I found out that they'd released a new cd "Damn Disco" and on Monday we were listening to it while laughing at some person who forgot to unplug their car. I haven't had enough of a listen yet to gauge but it seems pretty on par with Brotherhood to me. So without further adieu. Here's some songs!

These live recordings do no justice to the band whatsoever.

If you like what you've heard, head over to where they have a download containing all of The Video Dead's material pre Damn Disco. And, please donate if you can.

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